We are a UK based company with over 28 years in safe opening
At Key Elements we make lock picks such as the STUV 8 Lever 4.19.92 and specalise in and opening locked safes and vaults
Stuv 8 Lever 2in1 pick

Our red Handle 2in1 lock picks for the STUV 8 lever 4.19.92, you need to have some experience in picking locks to get the benefit of these tools. These are not Magic wands and so you need to practice to become profficient with there use.
Do we sell a Decoder for the STUV safe lock ?
No we do not sell a decoder because the locks are fairly straight forward to pick with our 2in1 picks but you have an understanding of lock picking. There are some decoders on the market for these locks and all they really do is take some of the control. Visual decodes exist for these lock as well where it os possible to see the numbers stamped on the levers but some of the locks don’t have the numbers visible. I always try to get Locksmiths / Safe Engineers / Safe Technicians to learn to use a 2in1 pick because you take this skill with you to every lock you open. where as a decoder you will have to buy one for every lock you try to pick and you will find they dont make decoders for every safe lock.
Picking a stuv
Contact Us!
Email : kelocks1@gmail.com
Tel : 07999 721727
We are a UK based Company with over 28 years experiance in opening locked safes, vaults and strongrooms